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2:00pm – 4:00pm


Whistler Conference Centre


4:30pm – 6:00pm

Welcome Reception

Whistler Conference Centre


Introduction to the First Annual Cornucopia Wine Summit

By Michaela Morris, Cornucopia Wine Summit Host


Keynote Address

By Jamie Goode, Wine Anorak

Join us to kick off the inaugural Cornucopia Wine Summit, and hear this acclaimed wine writer share his observations, experiences, and stories from the world of wine.


6:00pm – 9:00pm

Cornucopia’s 20th Anniversary Party at “The Picnic: A Celebration of Whistler Culinary Excellence”

Join us as we gather together the visionaries and talent of Whistler's culinary tradition and the Restaurant Association of Whistler to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Cornucopia, Whistler's favourite food and drink festival.  This blend of talents, tastes, and toasts will be the perfect start to an exceptional 20th annual festival.  Talented Chefs from across the valley will provide tasting bites to savour and graze.  Pair with wine, spirits and beer from the best Sea to Sky producers and beyond.






8:00am – 8:30am


Whistler Conference Centre Grand Foyer



8:30am – 9:15am

Welcome and Opening Address: What is happening in BC wine and why do we need to talk about it?

By Michaela Morris, Cornucopia Wine Summit Host


Keynote Address – Perspectives from Across The Pond

By Jamie Goode, Wine Anorak

On Friday morning, Jamie will focus in on his involvement in Canadian and BC wine over the past year or two. What has attracted his attention to our corner of the wine world? What has him excited for our future? 



9:15am – 10:30am

Panel Discussion: Whirlwind “Vineyard Tour” of BC Industry Developments 

Making and selling wine in British Columbia in 2016 is an exercise in responding to a dynamic regulatory environment, shifting sales channels, and an uncertain external environment. What are the recent developments, and how can wineries and the trade position for the future?


Mark Hicken, Vintage Law Group 

Ian Tostenson, BC Restaurant & Foodservices Association 

Karen Graham, WineDrops 

Mike Klassen, BC Wine Appellation Task Group 


·     Implications of new regulations for retail channels in BC, prospects and strategies for DTC and online sales.

·     Restaurant policy and licensing update, blurring of line between food primary and liquor primary.

·     External environment: international trade challenges, internal trade barriers, and export opportunities.

·     Appellation Task Group update, where to next in the vineyard, in the “garage”, and on the map.



10:30am – 11:45am

Remembrance Day Break



12:00pm – 1:15pm

Lunch Session: On-Wine Marketing – The Internet and the Wine World

You've heard you're supposed to be invested online to gain customers, but what exactly should you do?  Madeline Puckette, chief wine communicator at offers observations, habits, ideas and advice on what's worth spending time on and what's a waste of that precious resource.  There will be time for Q&A, so bring your pressing questions for Madeline.

By Madeline Puckette, Chief Wine Communicator, Wine Folly



1:30pm – 3:00pm

Debate: The Future of BC Wine

Moderator: Jack Crompton, Councillor, Resort Municipality of Whistler


The BC wine industry has grown very rapidly, very recently. There are widely divergent approaches to what grapes are grown, how the wines are made, in what quantity, and where and how they are marketed and sold.  Varying, fiercely-held opinions have been held – and expressed – over the years about “what is and what should” be in the BC wine industry. There has been a recent, welcome convergence of ideas, most notably on the movement to establish sub-appellations around the wine regions of the province.  Many other important areas remain contentious.  


The Question for Debate:

At the heart of the matter is: What should BC’s identity be as a wine region?

What does BC want to be when it grows up?  A region known for high quality, focused on a few flagship varietals and blends that speak to BC’s sense of place? Or a region known for a wide range of interesting varietals, with varying styles and definitions of what represents BC?  


How You Participate:

Our Debaters will engage in a thoughtful, witty, incisive debate (Munk Debate format) on the resolution below. Props and illustrative devices have not been ruled out… YOU have the chance to voice your opinion: you cast your vote for or against the resolution at the beginning, and then you vote again at the end.  The side that has SWAYED the most votes “wins”.


 The Resolution:

“Be it resolved that BC’s wine identity should reflect a distinctive region known for a few flagship varietals and blends.”


The Debaters:


Sid Cross, Wine & Food Guru

David Paterson, Winemaker, Tantalus Vineyards



Cynthia Enns, Co-Proprietor, Laughing Stock Vineyards

Andrew Windsor, Winemaker, Tinhorn Creek Vineyards



3:15pm – 4:15pm

Panel: Rebels & Icons

With Charles Smith and Don Triggs. Meet rebels, artists and winemakers behind some of the most iconic wines produced in the world.  Get the dirt and learn how these storytellers became revered icons of the industry. 



4:15pm – 4:25pm

Closing Remarks

Michaela Morris and Jamie Goode 



8:00pm – 11:00pm

Cellar Door Grand Tasting

Cellar Door unlocks the gates to the world of luxury fine wines, uncorking top-shelf bottles of wine and bubble ($35 and up) to sip, savour and salivate over. Browse the wineries and graze on gourmet bites, living the high-life, when Cornucopia opens the Cellar Doors.

Welcome Reception
The Picnic
Friday Registration
Friday Welcome
Friday Keynote
Expert Panel
Remembrance Day Break
Lunch Session
Closing Remarks
Cellar Door

Whistler Cornucopia, Whistler, British Columbia

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